Bullet Journal Christina K Bullet Journal Christina K

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with Your Bullet Journal

In a conventional planner there is usually a yearly calendar set up, where you can plan and schedule things. However, when starting a bullet journal all you have in front of you are empty pages, and that can be very intimidating for some. A lot of people are puzzled on how to future plan with a bullet journal, while others are worried that the system is not going to work, and that this will have as a result them missing important appointments and events.

6 Different ways to future plan with your bullet journal

In a conventional planner there is usually a yearly calendar set up, where you can plan and schedule things. However, when starting a bullet journal all you have in front of you are empty pages, and that can be very intimidating for some. A lot of people are puzzled on how to future plan with a bullet journal, while others are worried that the system is not going to work, and that this will have as a result them missing important appointments and events.

I admit that, even for me, when I was first introduced to bullet journaling, one of the things that concerned me the most was future planning. On a system that you create your days as you go along, I wanted to make sure that I would be able to schedule ahead during the year.

While all the above are valid concerns, I can assure you that bullet journaling is a very efficient and organised system, that when done properly, leaves no place for mistakes or missed appointments! It also allows you to future plan as many months/years ahead as you want!

In this post I'm going to talk about the 6 different ways that you can future plan with your bullet journal.

Ryder Carroll's Future Log

This is the original bullet journal method to plan future events during the year. You can set up your Future Log by arranging the pages by the amount of months you need. 

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

For example, you can have 3 months per page, with two equally spaced horizontal lines across the pages (as shown in the picture above). If you think that the space underneath each month is not going to be enough for you, then you can use only one horizontal line across the pages and have 4 months on the spread instead of 6. Or you can even have one month per page if you're really busy!

6 Different Ways to Future Plan in your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

The Monthly Log

This log allows you to plan for the month ahead. Therefore gives a more limited timeframe for future planning. There are various ways you can set up your monthly log in your bullet journal. 

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

In the picture above you see the original way, where you have the Calendar on the left page and the Task List on the right. However, there are many ways you can vary this set up, and I'm going to share some pictures here for you to see how I've changed my monthly log during the past year, and get inspired.

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net
6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net
6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net
6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net
6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

As you can see there are endless ways you can set up your monthly log and adjust it to your needs.

The Alastair Method

This is a method to future plan in your bullet journal for the next 6 months.  It was created by Alastair Johnston, who basically came up with a way to plan future events by adding them to a separate container that is easily adaptable and quickly to read.

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

In order to recreate this method in your bullet journal, you write the 6 months you want to future plan for, the way it's shown in the picture. You can plan for less months than that, if you have a lot of events/appointments and you think that you might run out of space.

Then with a vertical line you create a different section on the right. In there you simply add all the future events with their exact date, and then you put a dot in the column that represents that month. That way it doesn't matter if the events are not added chronologically.

Each time you need to move these plans to your monthly planner page, all you have to do is to quickly scan down the column of the month, find the dots that signify entries for that month, and then migrate the events to their dates in the monthly log.

Future Log

This is a combination of Ryder Carroll's Future Log and Alastair's Method which I found in Veronika's Instagram account. Basically, you write down the monthly tables for the next 6 months on the top of the page.

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

Underneath the month tables, on each page you then create one long table. The first 3 columns are one for each month and are titled with the first letter of the month. That's where you write the date that refers to that spefic month for each event you want to note down. Then you create a column for the event/appointment with all the information, and another one for the exact time of the event. Lastly, you create a small column in the end, where you can tick off any events/appointments that have already taken place. Of course you can add any other columns that might help you with your future planning.

For more information about this type of Future Log, you can check this blog post.


The Calendex method was created by Eddy Hope. Essentially a Calendex is a hybrid of a calendar and an index - that's how it gets it's name :) So you have a calendar of events and an index of page numbers with those events. You can use this method to schedule tasks and events that are planned months in advance.

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

To set up your Calendex you'll need to use a double page spread. On each page you easily fit 6 months, by creating 6 columns and on the left hand side you write the numbers 1-31 creating 31 rows that are representing the days of the month. You can also break down the months by weeks with separation lines in each column. That makes it easier to plan. Also some columns have lined boxes at the bottom, because not all of the months have 31 days.

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

So, for example if I happen to have a future event, I will note it down on my daily spread and I will have a coloured box according to the type of event next to it. In this case it's light green because it was a kids' event. 

Then I will note down a light green box on the day of the event and on it I'll write the number of the page of my daily spread that I wrote all the information on.   

I have a detailed post for Calendex if you want more information about it :)

The Sticky Note Method

This is a more simple way to plan a few things for the near future. 

6 Different Ways to Future Plan with your Bullet Journal - www.christina77star.net

You basically have a sticky note where you write all the future appointments/events that you need to remember, and you move it along as you create your dailies. Once you approach the date that  an event is due, then you transfer it in that day's daily spread and you cross it off your list. Simple!

As you can see there are quite a few ways that can be used in a bullet journal in order to ensure that everything is properly planned and nothing gets lost through the pages. You may think that some of the above methods are complicated, but you just have to try them out to see that they're quite simple really - even Calendex! 

I've created a printable for the Calendex to share with you, because I think that is the most intimidating of all the above. That way, you can print it and start using it before you apply it in your bullet journal, to see if you like this way of planning and if it suits your needs. 


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Which method(s) of the above are you using in your bullet journal? Share with us your pictures!

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Christina K Christina K

Goal Setting Program - 10-Step Formula to Achieve your Goals

I'm on a mission to achieve as many goals as I can before 2016 (take a look at my post '17 before 2017') and I'm already planning ahead for 2017 (with 'Your Best Year 2017' by Lisa Jacobs). Therefore, I'm always looking for ways, formulas and techiniques that will bring me closer to my dreams. While I was reading Edwene Gaines' book 'The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity', I came across her 10-step formula for successful achievement, that I'd like to share with you today.

Talking about the 10-step formula that helps you achieve your goals by Edwene Gaines. - www.christina77star.co.uk

Those 10 Steps are as follows:

  1. In a notebook dedicated to your goal setting programme, write down all of your desires, no matter how large or small. 
  2. Choose your most important desires and list them in order of importance to you. Be very specific.
  3. Consider what changes you might need to make in order to achieve your goals.
  4. Choose the date by which you desire to achieve each goal.
  5. Read your list of goals at least three times every morning and every night.
  6. Imagine yourself achieving each goal.
  7. Act as if you have already achieved your goals. Believe that you receive.
  8. Don't tell others. Keep your goals private.
  9. Cross off the goals as they are achieved and continue to add new ones.
  10. Remember, the Universe's highest law is LOVE.

I had some issues with #8 of the list. For me it's important to share your goals and dreams with your family, friends and the people you love. But that's exactly what Edwene Gaines means. She mentions that you can share your goals with people that you can trust and who are going to encourage and support you. But you should not tell the people that might judge you, discourage you and make you doubt yourself.

'Desire is the onward impulse of the ever evolving soul.'

                                                                                                                              Charles Fillmore

Even though I've heard or read all of the above at some point in my life, putting everything in a list with strategic steps makes it easier for me to take action. And even though I've been writing my goals and I tried to visualise them from time to time, I've just left it at that and expected things to just happen! Well not any more! Now I'm planning for the future taking conscious and deliberate steps towards my goals. 

What is your winning formula for achieving your goals? Have you tried any of the above?

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Christina K Christina K

Future Log for your Bullet Journal

Showing you a new method for future planning with your bullet journal - www.christina77star.co.uk

For the past few months I've been using a new method for my future planning that - dare I say it - I prefer it from the Calendex method (shocking I know!!!). I saw it in Veronika's Instagram account and I knew straight away that I've finally found the perfect Future Log for me!!

Showing you a new method for future planning with your bullet journal - www.christina77star.co.uk

It's a combination of Ryder Carroll's Future Log and Alastair's Method. Basically, you write down the monthly tables for the next 6 months on the top of the page. I started from July, since that's when I started using this technique, but of course you can start any time you want. Underneath the month tables, on each page you then create one long table. The first 3 columns are one for each month and are titled with the first letter of the month. That's where you write the date that refers to that spefic month for each event you want to note down. Then you create a column for the event/appointment with all the information, and another one for the exact time of the event. Lastly, you create a small column in the end, where you can tick off any events/appointments that have already taken place. Of course you can add any other columns that might help you with your future planning.

Showing you a new method for future planning with your bullet journal - www.christina77star.co.uk

Once you've done that, you can then go ahead and add all your appointments/events to this table. Everytime you have a new event planed for the future, you can go straight to this page and add it with all the information needed. You can also create a colour code for each type of events, like I did, and mark them on the monthly tables on the top of the page. That way you can see straight away what you've got planned for the month. Genius!

What I really like about this method, is that everything is in one page. You don't have to go back and forth to different pages to see what's planned. And also you have 6 months at a time to plan ahead. Perfect!

Make sure you check out Veronika's Etsy Store where you can download this Future Log method. Also don't forget to check her website as well.

I'm so glad that I've found this future planning method, because it has really helped with the way I plan ahead. If you want more information on all the other methods you can use for your bullet journal, then you can check my post on future planning. Which method is your favourite?

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