Q & A - Your Questions Answered (part 2)

Your Questions Answered part 2

This is the second part of the Q&A series, where I'll be answering all the questions you've send me from my Newsletter. You can find part 1 with all the questions from Instagram here.

So, again get comfortable and let's get started!

Mairead What do you think of Etsy so far for selling your products? I am creating stencils (from high quality acrylic) for bullet journalling and am not sure how to market them?

Openning my Etsy shop was one of the best decisions ever! I get to be creative, create a bit of income for myself and at the same time help people to organise and add colour in their bullet journal with my stickers and layouts. Etsy takes care of all the administration things and since all of my products are digital, it really runs on an autopilot - which is awesome for me! Also, there is such a big market out there and Etsy promotes my products on it's own, which is also a plus. However, I still have to market them myself as well, through my social media and my blog, to bring even more people to my shop. But all in all, Etsy makes it so easy to set up a shop and start selling. I'd highly recommend that you give it a go. And your product sounds perfect for Etsy as well. 

I was thinking of creating a blog post where I'll share with you tips and advice on setting up your shop on Etsy and ways to promote your product. If that's something that would interest you, let me know in the comments below. :)

email logo.jpg

Visit my Etsy Store


Caitlin Hi, as you know, back to school season is coming up for many of us and I am thinking of setting up a school bullet journal. I would like to keep it separate from my home/personal bujo which means starting from scratch again. Do you have any tips or ideas of what pages I should include and also I really don't want to end up forgetting about my home bullet journal!! Thanks so much!! 

As I've mentioned in the first part of the Q & A, I am planning to do a whole blog post on how to use your bullet journal for school. That post should be up very soon. I totally agree with having a bullet journal specifically for your school, and keeping your home bullet journal separate. The way to not neglect either one, is to use each one to organise and plan those two separate parts of your life, but to choose only one to have your daily spreads. So, your dailies should be combining the to-dos for both your personal and school life. You can use colour coding to separate them. 

Some examples of pages you can add are: Future log, Semester Schedule (where you can colour code each class), Information Page (with details on each class/subject), Weekly Schedule, Project Planning etc. I promise I'll have the blog post really soon with lots of ideas and inspiration ;)

Christina Really need to get start with my bullet journal but with all the inspiration out there still don’t know where to start. I’m trying to do a little drawing each day along with other hobbies and my graphics course but decided need to stop trying to perfect drawings and just do pencil drawing (colouring can be done another day). Looking for page layout / trackers to manage family better including spenditure.

I know that when you first start bullet journaling, you might find yourself being bombarded with various styles and ways of doing things online. That can make you feel a bit overwhelmed and you may not know where to start. Or, all this can scare you and prevent you from starting at all! My advice is to keep things simple and start slowly. You don't have to add everything in your bullet journal straight away. There is no right order, or right and wrong.

I've also created a FREE email course on 'How to set up your Bullet Journal in 5 days', which can really help you to start your bullet journaling adventure.


How to set up your Bullet Journal

FREE 5-day Email Course

There is a blog post on Trackers where you can get lots of inspiration. 

I'm also finishing a blog post on how to track your finances with your bullet journal, which I think would interest you, so stay tuned ;)

Maria I’ve just started blogging. I’d like some advice on how to promote my blog. I’ve read that Pinterest is a very important tool, but I don't know how to use it properly. Any advice for new bloggers is welcome!

Blogging can be so much fun, especially when you blog about something that you're passionate about. However, nowadays with the plethora of blogs out there, it's very difficult to stand out from the crowd. So, any help you can get to promote your blog is a plus.

My advice for any blogger is to: 

  • create a blog on a specific topic. General blogs that talk about this and then a bit of that don't work any more. The more specific your niche is, the better.
  • In the beginning focus more on creating really good content. If you provide valuable information and advice on a topic, then you'll come up in the first pages of google search and more people will find your blog.
  • Use keywords - in your blog posts and your images. 
  • Choose 2-3 social media and focus on them only. You can't be everywhere at once and to tell you the truth not all social media are good for all niches. For example, my main focus is Instagram and Pinterest. Twitter and Facebook are done on autopilot through the those two social media (you can connect your other social media accounts to them) or through Hootsuite

Specifically for Pinterest:

  • Take good pictures for each blog post. Make sure they are long ones (best size: 735 pixels x any height you want)
  • Add good descriptions under each picture. Pinterest is an image search engine and works as google does. So, make sure you include keywords in your descriptions and link them back to your blog.
  • Add 'pin it' button in your blog
  • Create specialised boards in your Pinterest account
  • Join group boards on similar topics and add your images there too.

I could honestly talk forever on blogging, because it's something that I'm very passionate about! If you'd like me to make more posts on blogging, then let me know in the comments below.

Sissypl16 i want to ask if your are finishing every notebook or you have unwritten pages ???…and how many books do you have per year???

Yes, I do finish every bullet journal. I don't usually like to leave half used notebooks, unless there's something wrong with them and I don't enjoy using them any more. But so far, yes I've used up all the pages before moving on the the next one. Usually it takes me around 6 months per notebook (I'm using a Leuchtturm1917).

Mae-Mae Han How/why did you get into blogging? 

I've started blogging in 2008 and back then I was a beauty blogger. I was really passionate about makeup and all things beauty related. Since I had my first kid and I couldn't go to back to work for some time, my blog was my way out :) I kept my blog for a few years and it was quite successful, especially for the greek market. However, when I moved to Cyprus I stopped blogging all together. In 2016 I came across the bullet journaling system and it completely changed the way I was organising and planning my day. It also helped me to be more creative and I really wanted to share what I was doing and learning through this system with the rest of the world. That's why I started blogging again, and I love every minute of it :)

I'd like to thank again every one that sent me their questions. I really want to help everyone as much as I can, so keep those questions coming!


Jane's Agenda - Review


Q & A - Your Questions Answered (part 1)