My Morning Routine

My morning routine

The morning time is very important for me. I truly believe that the first few hours can really affect the way the rest of your day will unfold. So, for the last few years I have tried to incorporate some sort of routine, which would help me wake up and start my day in the best possible way. I want my body and my mind to be ready for all the things I’ve planned for that day.

'Using the first five minutes of your day to feel good is like programming a destination into your GPS, like fixing your eye on the spot where you want your golf ball to land.' (Pam Grout, 'E-Cubed')

I remember that mornings used to be very stressful for me - rushing to get ready, thinking of all the things I wanted to do, usually running late and so on. You get the picture. I knew then that something had to change and I remember that I found out about setting up a routine by reading Louise Hay’s and Pam Grout’s books. They helped me to add my happy dance and meditation time to my mornings, and that made a huge difference!

'By consciously starting your day focused on gratitude and joy, you'll find that your whole life will begin to sparkle.' (Pam Grout - ‘E-Cubed')

Since then my morning routine has evolved even more. After reading Hal Elrod's The Miracle Morning book, I took the 30-day Life Transformation Challenge and really focused on that part of the day. And I have to say that, even though this really works, sometimes it was getting too much for me and I didn’t want that to have a negative effect to my mornings. But I still wanted to continue having a morning routine.

Recently, I came across Sadia’s YouTube channel Pick Up Limes for something completely different (vegan recipes), and I happened to watch one of her videos on healthy morning habits. I loved the idea! It is essentially something very similar to the miracle morning. However, I loved how relaxed this routine sounded and I started applying it to my mornings straight away.

I have taken parts of the habits she mentions in her video and created a new morning routine for myself. The steps / habits that I’ve added are the following:

1 | Take it easy

Start the day without rushing. Wake up early. Let in natural light.

'When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.' (Tecumseh, Native American Leader)

Even with my other morning routines, I was just rushing out of bed straight away. This step helps me to pay more attention to how I wake up, have a feel of my surroundings and give myself 2-5 minutes to get out of bed.


2 | Breathe & 5-4-3-2-1


Or take a deep breath and say aloud to yourself:

  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can feel
  • 3 things you can hear
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing you can taste

Meditation has been a big part of my morning routine for a few years now. However, I had never heard about that breathing exercise she mentions, and I find it very-very helpful. 


3 | Screens off

No TV in the morning. Replace it with soothing music. 

Check the phone for messages only after breakfast.

I am very rarely watching TV. But I admit that I used to check my phone in the morning a lot. I was checking my messages and emails right before starting my morning routine! And I have come to realise that by doing that, it was affecting my thoughts and made me feel preoccupied, whilst going trough with my morning habits. Now I only allow myself to check my phone after my breakfast and I can actually feel and see the difference. 


4 | Hydrate

Drink a big glass of water before breakfast. Add fresh fruit to add flavour.

Continue to hydrate throughout the morning with more water or tea.

This is a habit I’ve been trying to incorporate for some time now. I didn’t like it in the beginning. But I’m actually craving some fruit water in the mornings now!


5 | Have a wholesome breakfast

Have a wholesome, high-finer breakfast. Take you vitamins.

Share the meal with someone, if possible.

Be mindful as you eat: actually see, feel, hear, smell and taste your food in front of you.

Again, I used to check on my phone while I was having my breakfast. By paying attention to what you eat can actually help you appreciate all the good foods you’re adding to your body. It also makes the food taste better!!! The sharing part as well is very important. I try to do that in the weekends when we are all together at home :)


6 | Check-in with yourself

Fill in the following during or just after breakfast:

  • I am thinking ________________
  • I am feeling emotionally ________________
  • I am feeling physically ________________
  • My 2 intentions for the day are:

    1) ________________

    2) ________________

- 2 things I’m grateful for are:

    1) ________________

    2) ________________

  • One thing that would add to my happiness today would be _______________

I love this part. It’s like the journaling part of Hal Elrod’s routine, but now you have more specific questions to answer and they really help! It’s good to see how I’m feeling both emotionally and physically in the morning, and also how to figure out ways to make my day even better! 


7 | Visualise

Draw up your action plan the night before. Spend a couple of minutes in the morning visualising yourself doing these things.

I’ve tried visualisation before. But I think I was doing it in a different way. I used to focus on the things that I wanted to do and achieve, my goals and dreams. And even though this is fine as well, I love Sadia’s way of visualising my day ahead. This exercise has helped me to see that some of the days I have added too many things in my to-do list! And I had to reconsider my tasks for the day.


8 | Fresh air & body love

Exercise if possible. Otherwise, try to get some fresh air, go for a walk, bicycle, or do some light stretching at home.

I want to do that more. I want to try and get out of the house more and feel the fresh air. My house is 10 minutes away from the sea and it’s crazy that a week can go by and I might not have gone to the beach… This is one of the things I need to change. And of course, to show some body love with exercise as well.

To see all the steps / habits she mentions, Sadia has a blog post about it, as well as a free printable checklist.

I've been following this routine for more than a week now and I love it! It makes me feel relaxed but also grounded and focused for the rest of the day. You should definitely give it a try. Also don't forget to give Sadia some love, and make sure to check out her recipes cause they are really yummy! 

What is your morning routine? Let me know of your morning habits in the comments below.

Have an amazing day!


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