How do you transition from one month to the next in your weekly spreads

How do you transition from one month to the next in your weekly spreads

Starting a bullet journal can be a bit intimidating to some of you. Up until now you have been used to having a planner all set up for you already, but now you have to do all the work, and you can create your own layout. So, you might find yourself at times staring at the empty pages of your journal wondering what to do next. 

One of these times might be when you transition from one month to the next and you don't know how to set up your weekly spreads. 

How do you do your weekly spread when the month changes mid-week? On which monthly layout do you add that particular week? Do you repeat it for the next month?

These are some of the questions I get asked, so today I thought I'll show you a few ways you can deal with this dilemma and choose the one that works for you.

1. The month with more days for the week wins

As the title suggests, when you are about to create the layout for the last week of the month, you can check and see how many days of that week belong to that month and how many days belong to the next month.

The month with the most days wins, and you can then add that weekly spread in the winning month's layout.

August Bullet Journal Set Up - weekly spread.jpg

So for example, the above weekly spread was for the last week of July and the beginning of August. As you can see August is clearly the winner so this spread should go to the August layout.

2. Go with the flow

This way suggests to go with the flow. That means that no matter how many days there are in each month or when the new month begins, since the week has days of the current month in it, then it should go in that month's layout.

Weekly Spread - Bullet Journal

So in this case, even though there are only 2 days of August in this weekly spread, it will still be added in the August layout. That way, you don't have to count and make things more complicated. Regardless of the month you continue your weekly spreads as normal. 

3. Create shorter 'weeklies'

If you want to be more strict with your weekly layout and the days that belong to each month, there's also the option to add only the days of that particular month on your weekly spread. What that means is that you create shorter 'weeklies' with only the days of the current month in them.

So for example, if May ends on a Wednesday, then you can create a mini weekly spread with the last three days of May (Monday-Wednesday) on one page, and then the rest of the week you can add it in the June layout. So, you are essentially creating two partial weekly spreads.

Of course you also have the option to skip the weekly spreads altogether for the last days of the month and do only daily spreads. 

The bullet journal system gives you the opportunity to choose which way suits you best. You can also try one method one month and if you see that it doesn't work, you can change it around the next month. The important thing is to not stress about it, and just plan however feels the most useful to you.

Me personally, I prefer the go with the flow option. But there have been months where I have also followed option no. 1.

How do you transition from month to month with your weeklies? Are you using any of the above choices? Do you do things differently? If so, let us know in the comments below.


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