Bullet Journal: My November Set Up

My November Set Up in my Bullet Journal

I know I've been saying the same thing every month, but seriously it feels like October just flew by! Maybe it's because October was a very exciting month for me (both personally and professionally). But also, as we're getting closer to Christmas (can you believe that it's only 54 days till Xmas??), the days get busier and time just seems to fly.

I've (FINALLY!) made my first YouTube video, and I'm really excited about that. I'm still learning about editing and all that new and interesting stuff! I hope you like the video and you'll give it a thumbs up :)

PS: I don't know why, but in the video I sound like a robot. I swear I speak normally in real life!

As always, at the end of the month I prepare my montly set up in my bullet journal. I did some changes this month, that hopefully will help me stay more focused in order to achieve my goals.

This is how I set up my Bullet Journal for November. I'm focusing on my goals and tasks that need to be done. www.christina77star.co.uk

The first change was in the month at a glance spread. I didn't find the previous spread practical, so I changed it to this one. My issue with the one I used in October was that there was not enough space to add more that one things per day. It seems that I enjoy this month's spread more already. I think my brain functions better in squares :)

This is how I set up my Bullet Journal for November. I'm focusing on my goals and tasks that need to be done. www.christina77star.co.uk

I've changed my monthly focus spread too. This time I'm very specific in the tasks I want to tackle and more organised in the actions I need to take for each one. I've narrowed it down to 10 goals for November, and I've writen next to each one what needs to be done.

This is how I set up my Bullet Journal for November. I'm focusing on my goals and tasks that need to be done. www.christina77star.co.uk

The next page I've separated it into 4 rows, one for each week of November. These will act as a funnel, so that I can allocate the steps and tasks for each goal to one of the 4 weeks. That way, when I'm doing my weekly spread, I can visit this page and see exactly what I need to do in the next 7 days.

This is how I set up my Bullet Journal for November. I'm focusing on my goals and tasks that need to be done. www.christina77star.co.uk

The only thing that's stayed the same this month is my gratitude log that I continue to add in every monthly spread.

So, this is how my November Set Up looks up until now in my bullet journal. Have you done yours yet? Did you make any changes this month?

 PS: Let me know what other videos you'd like me to make next :)


Goal Setting Program - 10-Step Formula to Achieve your Goals


Instagram Challenge #doodlewithusinnovember